How did food shopping at Lucky’s with your reusable bags help feed hungry kids this summer? You shopped, got tokens and selected The Children’s Hunger Project as your charity of choice. The total amount collected from Lucky’s Bags for Change will help us feed nearly 20 additional children each week during the 2019-20 school year!
Lucky’s Market in West Melbourne has been an ongoing supporter of The Children’s Hunger Project. As part of their grand opening in 2017, Lucky’s owners, the Sharons, provided $6,000 in an “impact grant” to TCHP to help feed hungry kids in Brevard County. A huge turnout of TCHP volunteers were on hand to receive the check from Lucky’s that fed 40 kids in Brevard over an entire school year! They’ve continued to support over the years.
When you visit Lucky’s Market, please let them know you appreciate their wonderful support for our kids!